Lime improves availability of major plant nutrients
Glencoe Lime

Nutrient Availability

Improving Availability of Plant Nutrients

In very acid soils, all the major plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sulphur, calcium, manganese and also the trace element molybdenum) may be unavailable, or only available in insufficient quantities. Plants can show deficiency symptoms despite adequate fertiliser application.

Availability / effectiveness of Phosphate, Potash and Nitrogen at various soil pH(CaCIÇ) levels:Glencoe Lime-Phosphate chart


Glencoe Lime -Potash chart


Glencoe Lime - Nitrogen chart


Effect of pH (CaCIÇ) on the availability of soil nutrients:
Plant Food availability

The white bands in this chart illustrate how the availability of important plant food elements is affected by the acidity of the soil – the wider the band, the greater the degree of availability. A pH of 6.5 to 7 is the most favourable reaction.

Read more about the Benefits of Lime and How it beats Aluminium toxicity.

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    Glencoe Lime supply Limestone products, Dried Lime, Semi Dried Lime and Glenmag to the Agricultural Industry throughout Victoria and southern New South Wales

    ©Glencoe Lime

    Website by Italicherry Design Studio