Proud to be
100% Australian
owned and operated
Glencoe Lime - about us

About Us

Based in Gippsland, Glencoe Lime processes and supplies Limestone products to the Agricultural Industry throughout Victoria and Southern New South Wales.


Glencoe Lime began operation in 1939 after recognising the importance of Limestone to agriculture. From its humble beginnings Glencoe Lime now has a network of distributors and is proudly still 100% Australian owned and operated.

Glencoe Lime

Dedicated to supplying highly effective, user-friendly products that offer great value for money, we are continuously expanding our production plant in order to maintain efficiencies and to meet growing demand for our products.

Find out about the Benefits of Lime and our Lime Products.

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    Glencoe Lime supply Limestone products, Dried Lime, Semi Dried Lime and Glenmag to the Agricultural Industry throughout Victoria and southern New South Wales

    ©Glencoe Lime

    Website by Italicherry Design Studio